We accompany transportation projects from their inception through to implementation

Our philosophy is to implement the project as a whole, ie. in addition to dealing with specific technical solutions primarily funding and implementation of the project. This approach requires significantly more responsibility for outcomes and understanding of all the circumstances in which the project is created and implemented.


We are processing:

Transportation planning, traffic engineering and project documentation:

. Territorial Plans and Urban Studies
. Transport Master Plan
. Transportation Engineering Studies
. Traffic Surveys and Forecasts
. Transport Modelling
. Simulation of Traffic Flows and Road Construction
. Project Documentation of all Levels

Technical advice:

. Feasibility Study
. Economy of Transport Structures
. Financing of Transport Buildings
. Technical - Economic Analysis
. Investment Plans and Budgets
. Financial Models
. Risk Analysis

. Applications for Funding from the European Funds
. Complete Preparation of PPP Projects
. Tender Documents
. Preparation and Implementation of Tenders
. Concession
. Performance and Qualitative Indicators for Public Transport

. Technical and Economic Studies and Expert Opinions
. Technical, Quality, Safety and Environmental Audits and Studies, etc.

Institutional Consulting:

. Program Planning
. Business Plans
. Operating, Economic and Managerial Audits
. Restructuring Programs and Plans
. Outsourcing Programs and Projects



•  Saint-Petersburg Underground
•  Saint-Petersburg Mass Transsit System


More information on info@olbron.com